City tours

Would you like to get to know Saarbrücken? Take the time to stroll through the city and take part in an individual city tour!

Guided Tour of Saarbrücken


Blick auf die Ludwigskirche Saarbrücken - LHS

Blick auf die Ludwigskirche Saarbrücken - LHS

Blick auf die Ludwigskirche Saarbrücken - LHS

The best way to discover Saarbrücken is on foot because most of the historic buildings are grouped together. During this guided tour, you will get to know Baroque Saarbrücken as well as a modern and vibrant state capital.

  • Appointments
    annual 1 january-31 december

    Every Friday at 4:00 PM
    Every Saturday at 2:30 PM 
    (except for christmas, New Years Eve, New Year's day)

  • Duration
    2 hours
  • Leaving from
    Tourist Information Office
    Rathaus St. Johann (Town Hall) / Main entrance
  • Price
    10 € / 7 € every Friday (2 hours) or 13 € / 10 € every Saturday (2.5 hours)
  • Language


City-Marketing Saarbrücken GmbH

Gruppenreisen & Stadtführungen
Bahnhofstraße 31 / Diskonto-Hochhaus
66111 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 9380917
Fax: +49 681 9380938



Visit Saarbrücken - Visit Saarbrücken

Visit Saarbrücken - Visit Saarbrücken

Visit Saarbrücken - Visit Saarbrücken